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Explore Diverse Worlds and Unleash Your Imagination with Affordable, Easy-to-Learn RPGs
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Affordable Adventures Await with The Polyhedral Knights
Embark on Budget-Friendly and Easy-to-Learn RPG Adventures with The Polyhedral Knights
Spy 2nd Edition
PDF available now on Drivethrurpg
Players create agents who belong to a covert tactical response organization, called the Factory. What is the
Factory? It is actually a nickname in the intelligence community for a secret organization that is part of the Bureau of Corrective Investigations. The Factory is a covert tactical response organization that was created to protect America from foreign and domestic threats.
This organization is used when the people at the top feel an operation must be kept under wraps or create “plausible deniability.” Top brass would prefer to keep these types of missions out of the headlines. Typically, the ones in charge want people to know as little as
possible. Agents are made up of expendable tools. This organization does not exist to the public, or at least it overlooks the benign title under which it operates.
Those worthy of actual knowledge in the field of intelligence are aware of the organization and its purpose. Organizations like the FBI, CIA, DEA, Mossad, MI5, and many others are aware of The Factory. Some of these organizations work well with them, and a good handful, the relations are a bit…strained.
The Factory’s reach is global and their connections run deep. Agents are specially selected from all walks of life- Military, Criminal, and Civilian. They believe the varied backgrounds of their Agents brings unique and beneficial areas of expertise that could be of value to the organization.
Spy is a Roleplaying game that brings us back to what games used to be-easy to learn and best of all affordable. Inside this book you will find a Complete game with everything needed to create an agent and run a mission.
Pathogen Unclassified
Apocalyptic Survival Horror
Three years ago, civilization fell. A previously undiscovered parasite simultaneously struck several global population centers and transit hubs. Those infected by it became frenzied with the urge to feed,spreading the contagion through their bites and scratches. As if anticipating every attempt at a cure, the parasite mutated faster than could be tracked. Society imploded, and no one had the authority to put it back together.
Only one out of three people survived the collapse. Since then, even more have died of infection, malnutrition, and struggles with other survivors. To make matters worse, the Infected haven't gone quietly to their graves. Most of them, two-thirds of the global population, still linger hollow-eyed and gaunt upon the earth, sniffing intermittently at the air for signs of their next warm-blooded meal, but a few have been even more irrevocably changed. Warped by the parasite into colonies of mutated beasts or cursed with mental powers beyond their ability to control, they are hated and feared...and coveted by the last pharmaceutical company left in the world.
To keep out their ravenous neighbors, the remaining Survivors have banded together into close-knit Communities, building little pockets of order amidst the wreckage. Some are founded on the rules of the old world. Others raid and enslave. More than a few dream of one day establishing their kingdom.
The players are thrust into one of these roles: law bringers, peacekeepers, civil engineers, and generals. With courage and determination, they can push back the bandits, the Infected, and the other stranger things that lurk in the wild to carve a place for themselves in the ruins.
Pathogen: Unclassified is a tabletop game of survival horror in which the players don't just struggle against other humans and the Infected--they fight to grow and protect their own settlement. With fast-paced tactical gameplay that supports strategic city-building (and vice-versa!), Pathogen is easy to pick up and hard to put down. With all the tools to provide you and your friends with a deep campaign or a terrifying one-shot, this game book makes the perfect library addition to your cave, lead-lined bunker, or remote wilderness cabin.
Wicked Pacts
This world is much like our modern times but well entrenched and steeped with a long secret history of magic practitioners. In normal society, the ungifted and the enchanted ilk live among one another. But of course, you must keep your skills a secret so the ungifted do not spread fear and anger toward your kind.
Wicked Pacts is a modern-day game of magic where the Players create magic users practicing different types of magic. In this secret world of magic, various organizations are banding together to work toward their agendas. Globally, the Hermetic Order is the most powerful of the ruling groups. They have a long history of protecting their own kind but also making sure the magic surrounding us all does not spill over in full view for the ungifted to witness.
Players take the roles of magic users such as warlocks, seers, demon-hunters, etc.… just trying to get by in this world. Due to the multi-lateral cold war between factions covertly fighting over territory and influence, the players must align themselves with a faction for safety.
Each player character is built from a Bloodline (why they are magical), an Archetype (how they use their magic), and a Tarot Card. The Tarot Card does not just echo a part of the character's personality; it fuels the GM or the player to change the story in certain key places.
Wicked Pacts is filled with Bloodlines, Archetypes, Talents, Complications, a ton of Spells, and various hidden factions of the unseen world. This game is designed to be easy to learn and ready to run quickly.
The trains don't run through this part of town anymore. Not since someone stood on the tracks and tried to rob one.
Thirteen years ago, he would've just ended up in the obituaries, but instead he melted the engine with an energy blast from his hand and thirty-seven people were injured.
Downtown, they have “Peacekeepers” to prevent that. Dressed in their corporate power armor, they stand on every street corner, looming over the pedestrians. Waiting for an excuse.
Here, things work a little differently. People pay their protection money to crooked supers. Folks grumble about it, but when a man who can shoot lighting from his fingers floats down from the sky and demands you call him king, you call him king.
The corporations say they are doing their best to round up the renegade creations they made, but there are a few good Enhanced out there too, caught between the corps and their own kin.
This is the world of Dark Times: a tabletop roleplaying game about superheroes in the corporate slum that has swallowed up most of the United States.
Twenty-six years ago a man named Dr. Anton Valasakis changed everything with the discovery of a gene that unlocked superhuman powers. He started his experiments at pharmaceutical supergiant Prometheus Medical, working first on “willing volunteers”, and soon he was sanctioned by the government.
By this time Prometheus Medical was already a powerful corporation and had its hooks deep in controlling many politicians. Many of the first test subjects were prisoner who
were on death row. This was a chance for them to gain a chance at life. Many died, and not much is known about this few who survived.
The experiments continued and soon a rash of industrial espionage broke out. Many large corporations, seeing the potential in customized superhuman technology, were now in a race to have their own Enhanced on their payroll. These laboratory creations were treated as slaves and many fled their masters, hiding in the slums. Some of the ones that got away even had kids.
Now there exists a second generation of Enhanced and still the corporations view them as company property. By now the laws had been warped to protect the rights of the corporations and their “investments” and not the people. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
In Dark Times, players work together with their powers, protect their people, and build their community, all under the shadow of a corporation that has replaced the government and seeks to enslave them since they are viewed as “company property”.
With a little bit of cyberpunk, a little bit of noir, and a whole lot of superpowers, Dark Times mixes old-school and new-school design to create a game that is fast, pulpy, immersive, and fun to play.
Pirates of a Shattered World
Pirates of a Shattered World is a unique mix of many things. Part
Fantasy, part post apocalypse, part sci fi, part pirate adventure, it offers a
great blend of many of these things. This is the newest release from The Polyhedral Knights, is a unique twist on the post-apocalyptic fantasy genre. Taking place in the Fractured Sea---an archipelago filled with monsters and wreckage from the second apocalypse---it puts PCs in the roles of explorers, swashbucklers, science-mages, and brigands in a world of gunpowder, sorcery, altered beasts, and haunted ruins beneath the waves.
Gameplay in Pirates is fast and pulpy. Build your characters using Archetypes like Sailor, Mystic, Science Mage, or Courtier (among others) and races like Iguana Hybrid, Hobgoblin, Mutant, and Elyrian, then dig into the crunch with a host of Attributes, Skills, Talents, Combat Techniques, and Spells to flesh them out how you want.
We will provide a vast, fully-fleshed out setting at your fingertips, including a bestiary packed with ne'er do wells, ancient hazards, and oceanic horrors, as well as locations like Vek (the fractious nation of the Hobgoblins), the Brotherhood of the Sail (a windborne pirate nation ruled by voting council), and the Spider Kingdom (a toxic jungle full of hive-minded parasite control people).
Pirates of a Shattered World is the culmination of years of design and is a distant future sequel to Pathogen: Unclassified." It draws inspiration from works such as Shannara Series by Terry Brooks , Hawkmoon by Michael Moorecock and Pirates of Dark Water.
Wasteland Sagas
Many chroniclers have speculated the world broke due to a of string atrocious events. Tales of nuclear bombs that went off because territories disliked one another. Stories of laboratory-engineered viruses and mutagens designed to destroy people. Mother Nature had enough of the parasites ‘inconsideration and exploitation, so she revolted against humanity.
The world was undone. Mankind crawled out of the rubble and ruin determined to persevere. It would be great to say people learned their lesson, but there will always be “Human Nature”. Knowledge of technology has been lost. There are remnants of ancient devices, so it does have mystery and value. The curious and enterprising sentients are rediscovering technologies and scientific theories bastardizing them into something different and unique that works in their new world. A new image of the world is being built. These are the building blocks of Wasteland Sagas.
Wasteland Sagas is filled with Mutants, Humans, Androids, and other oddities. Options exist such as Mutations, Bio Ware, Cybernetics, Android upgrades, and Faults. Lots to choose from to create any type of character in this sci-fi wasteland. These are the inhabitants of the new world.
This is the 6th game that has been produced by The Polyhedral Knights and as usual, we aim to create something simple to learn and loads of fun. We designed a world that has enough information in it to get the GM started and enough open space for them to create what they want in this blasted wasteland.